
Seasonal calendar


Reading northern hemisphere books pertaining to planting/harvesting/pruning/horticultural practices/gardening/permaculture design etc. in the southern hemisphere can be confusing with reference to the months/seasons. This is due to the  six month offset of the months/seasons and the differences between the meteorological and astronomical definitions of the seasons.

Meteorologists divide seasons into periods of three whole months based on average monthly temperatures. Astronomers define seasons with two solstices (shortest day and longest day) and two equinoxes (when day time and night time are of equal length). Astronomers use the earth's tilt and the sun's alignment over the equator to determine the dates for each event.

The table below has been designed to facilitate interpretation of months and seasons for each hemisphere and seasonal definition.
Click on image for larger version or download PDF.
Month/Season Calculator
Month/Season Calculator

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Random notes

Paraphrases, short form stories and original thoughts

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"Above all else learn to communicate and collaborate"
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"A permaculturalist lives by the ethics, a permaculture designer is a permaculturalist who consciously implements the principles"
"An idea is not a design"
"An idea is a response to a perceived need; an interface between subconscious and conscious "
"Design first, plan second"
"State the obvious, so everybody knows the obvious"
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"Design is part of an implementation feedback loop; Design can be thought of as the problem resolution phase/stage/pattern/process/system"
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"She will not be right unless shes done right"